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I Got Killed by a Picture!

This picture is killing me.

It's making me dizzy, giving me a heart attack, causing a strange feeling inside my stomach, a drying mouth... lost all the saliva for drolling over his beautiful face... I can't eat because my jaw has just dropped, I have a problem to blink my eyes while staring at it and some other symptoms that literally CAN kill me.

Leehom is DDG! (Drop Dead Gorgeous)

I wish I knew who took the picture, I want to thank him/her for "torturing" me.


Kate said...

the scruffy look fits our Leehom to a T. love the pix! thanks for sharing :D

Emajanti said...

Yeaaa... i can't really describe how handsome he is in the pict. LOL.

onleehom 王力宏 | TNB